Terra Aquatica TrikoLogic & TrikoLogic S
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High quality dry Trichoderma harzianum culture
A vital part of Organic growing, and every commercial gardener's secret weapon
Trikologic is our brand of Trichoderma harzianum: the first beneficial microbial inoculant to become standard in the commercial greenhouse industry.
Trichoderma lives in soil, coco or other similar substrates breaking down organic matter and releasing minerals. This process of decomposition and nutrient release is fundamental to Organic, Organic Hydroponic, and Bioponics, and Aquaponics gardening. As it grows and establishes colonies, Trichoderma also releases a range of plant growth-stimulating compounds and substances that inhibit or kill pathogens in the soil which might otherwise harm your plants - as the latest research has been demonstrating.
TrikoLogic S® ultimate root zone protection Professional quality Trichoderma with added hot weather protection. The ultimate in biological root zone protection and health GHE Trikologic S adds hot weather protection from Streptomyces negrecens to our standard biological protection for your grow. On top of the growth boost and protection offered by Trichoderma, Streptomyces coats roots with a protective mycelium that physically prevents fusarium and pythium spores from infecting them. Trikologic S delivers all the benefits of additional nutrition and stimulation that standard Trikologic provides, but it also gives you what is genuinely the only reliable natural way of protecting your grow from root pathogens in hot and difficult conditions: well-chosen, professional quality mycorrhizae.